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UmbraCore Build System Restructuring

This document outlines the build system restructuring process for UmbraCore, explaining the changes made and how to use the new build system.


The UmbraCore build system has been restructured to improve modularity, build performance, and separation of concerns between production and test code.

Key Changes

  1. Directory Structure Reorganisation
  2. Created dedicated TestSupport directories for test-only code
  3. Separated test utilities by domain (Security, Core, Common)
  4. Created missing packages like CoreServicesTypes

  5. Build Configuration

  6. Added build configurations for production, development, and test-only builds
  7. Improved dependency management between modules
  8. Fixed target configuration issues

  9. Build Scripts

  10. Added convenience scripts for common build operations
  11. Created selective build capability for affected targets

Directory Structure

The new structure follows this pattern:

├── Sources/            # Production code only
│   ├── Core/
│   ├── CoreTypes/
│   ├── CoreServicesTypes/
│   ├── Security/
│   ├── SecurityInterfaces/
│   └── SecurityTypes/
├── Tests/              # Test code
│   ├── CoreTests/
│   ├── SecurityTests/
│   └── XPCTests/
└── TestSupport/        # Test utilities and mocks
    ├── Security/
    ├── Core/
    └── Common/

Restructuring Tool

A Go-based restructuring tool (umbra_restructure.go) has been created to automate the migration process. This tool:

  1. Creates the necessary directory structure
  2. Moves test-related code to appropriate TestSupport directories
  3. Creates and updates BUILD.bazel files
  4. Configures Bazel build settings
  5. Creates build scripts

Using the Restructuring Tool

# Perform a dry run to see planned changes without applying them
go run umbra_restructure.go --dry-run

# Execute the restructuring
go run umbra_restructure.go

# Additional options
go run umbra_restructure.go --help

Options: - --root: Specify the project root directory (default: current directory) - --dry-run: Perform a dry run without making changes - --verbose: Enable verbose output - --skip-bazel: Skip Bazel configuration updates - --skip-scripts: Skip build script creation

Build Scripts

The restructuring adds several convenience scripts:

  1. Builds only production code


  2. Builds and runs all tests


  3. Builds only targets affected by recent changes


Bazel Configuration

The .bazelrc file has been updated with configurations for different build types:

  • --config=prod: Production build (no tests)
  • --config=dev: Development build with tests
  • --config=test: Test-only build

Example usage:

bazel build --config=prod //Sources/...
bazel test --config=dev //...


If you encounter build issues after restructuring:

  1. Check that all dependencies are correctly specified in BUILD.bazel files
  2. Verify that imports have been updated to reflect the new package structure
  3. Run bazel clean --expunge to clear the build cache
  4. Check for any remaining test code in production directories

Future Improvements

Planned improvements for the build system:

  1. Dependency visualization tools
  2. Comprehensive CI/CD pipeline integration
  3. Build performance metrics and optimization
  4. Automated dependency management