|-- Sources
| |-- API
| | -- UmbraAPI.swift
| |-- Autocomplete
| | |-- Errors
| | |-- Extensions
| | |-- Models
| | |-- Protocols
| | |
-- AutocompleteProtocol.swift
| | |-- Services
| | -- README.md
| |-- Config
| | |-- Errors
| | |-- Extensions
| | |-- Models
| | |-- Protocols
| | |
-- ConfigurationProtocol.swift
| | |-- Services
| | -- README.md
| |-- Core
| | |-- CryptoTypes
| | |-- Protocols
| | |-- SecurityTypes
| | |-- Services
| | |
-- CoreService.swift
| | |-- Types
| | -- UmbraCore
| | |-- Security
| |
-- UmbraCore.swift
| |-- CryptoTypes
| | |-- Models
| | | -- SecureStorageData.swift
| | |-- Protocols
| | |
-- CryptoServiceProtocol.swift
| | |-- Services
| | | |-- CredentialManager.swift
| | | -- CryptoService.swift
| |
-- Types
| | |-- CryptoConfiguration.swift
| | -- CryptoError.swift
| |-- ErrorHandling
| | |-- Errors
| | |-- Extensions
| | |
-- Error+Context.swift
| | |-- Models
| | | |-- CommonError.swift
| | | |-- CoreError.swift
| | | |-- ErrorContext.swift
| | | -- ServiceErrorTypes.swift
| | |-- Protocols
| | | |-- ErrorHandlingProtocol.swift
| | | |-- ErrorReporting.swift
| | |
-- ServiceErrorProtocol.swift
| | |-- Services
| | -- README.md
| |-- Features
| | |-- Crypto
| | | |-- Errors
| | | |-- Models
| | | |
-- SecureStorageData.swift
| | | |-- Protocols
| | | | -- SecureStorageProvider.swift
| | |
-- Services
| | -- Logging
| | |-- Errors
| | |
-- LoggingError.swift
| | |-- Extensions
| | |-- Models
| | | -- LogEntry.swift
| | |-- Protocols
| | |
-- LoggingProtocol.swift
| | |-- Services
| | | |-- LoggingService.swift
| | | -- SwiftyBeaverLoggingService.swift
| |
-- README.md
| |-- Mocks
| | |-- MockKeychain.swift
| | |-- MockSecurityProvider.swift
| | -- MockURLProvider.swift
| |-- Repositories
| | |-- Errors
| | |-- Extensions
| | |-- Models
| | |-- Protocols
| | |
-- RepositoryProtocol.swift
| | |-- Services
| | -- README.md
| |-- ResticCLIHelper
| | |-- Errors
| | |-- Extensions
| | |-- Models
| | |-- Protocols
| | |
-- ResticCLIHelperProtocol.swift
| | |-- Services
| | -- README.md
| |-- SecurityTypes
| | |-- Models
| | | |-- FilePermission.swift
| | |
-- SecurityError.swift
| | |-- Protocols
| | | |-- SecureStorageProvider.swift
| | | -- SecurityProvider.swift
| | |-- Testing
| |
-- Types
| | -- SecurityErrorHandler.swift
| |-- Services
| |
-- SecurityUtils
| | |-- Extensions
| | |-- Protocols
| | | -- URLProvider.swift
| | |-- Services
| | | |-- EncryptedBookmarkService.swift
| | |
-- SecurityBookmarkService.swift
| | |-- Testing
| | -- Types
| |-- Snapshots
| | |-- Errors
| | |-- Extensions
| | |-- Models
| | |-- Protocols
| | |
-- SnapshotProtocol.swift
| | |-- Services
| | -- README.md
| |-- UmbraCore
| |
-- UmbraCore.swift
| |-- UmbraMocks
| | |-- MockCryptoService.swift
| | |-- MockKeychain.swift
| | -- MockSecurityProvider.swift
| |-- UmbraSecurity
| | |-- Extensions
| | |
-- URL+SecurityScoped.swift
| | -- Services
| |
-- SecurityService.swift
| -- XPC
| |-- Core
| | |-- XPCConnectionManager.swift
| | |-- XPCError.swift
| |
-- XPCServiceProtocols.swift
| |-- CryptoService
| -- SecurityService
|-- Tests
| |-- AutocompleteTests
| | |-- Errors
| | |-- Extensions
| | |-- Models
| | |-- Protocols
| |
-- Services
| |-- ConfigTests
| | |-- Errors
| | |-- Extensions
| | |-- Models
| | |-- Protocols
| | -- Services
| |-- CoreTests
| | |-- CoreServiceTests.swift
| |
-- URLSecurityTests.swift
| |-- CryptoTests
| | |-- Mocks
| | |-- CredentialManagerTests.swift
| | -- CryptoServiceTests.swift
| |-- ErrorHandlingTests
| | |-- Errors
| | |-- Extensions
| | |-- Models
| | |-- Protocols
| | |-- Services
| | |-- CommonErrorTests.swift
| |
-- CoreErrorTests.swift
| |-- LoggingTests
| | |-- Errors
| | |-- Extensions
| | |-- Models
| | |-- Protocols
| | |-- Services
| | -- LoggingServiceTests.swift
| |-- RepositoriesTests
| | |-- Errors
| | |-- Extensions
| | |-- Models
| | |-- Protocols
| |
-- Services
| |-- ResticCLIHelperTests
| | |-- Errors
| | |-- Extensions
| | |-- Models
| | |-- Protocols
| | -- Services
| |-- SecurityTypesTests
| | |-- MockSecurityProviderTests.swift
| |
-- SecurityErrorTests.swift
| |-- SecurityUtilsTests
| | |-- EncryptedBookmarkServiceTests.swift
| | -- SecurityBookmarkServiceTests.swift
| |-- SnapshotsTests
| | |-- Errors
| | |-- Extensions
| | |-- Models
| | |-- Protocols
| |
-- Services
| |-- UmbraCoreTests
| | -- UmbraCoreTests.swift
-- UmbraSecurityTests
| -- SecurityServiceTests.swift
|-- .gitignore
|-- Package.resolved
|-- Package.swift
|-- README.md
|-- UmbraCore.md
-- project_structure.md
136 directories, 77 files
UmbraCore Project Structure Documentation¶
Project Overview¶
- Name: UmbraCore
- Version: 1.0.0
- Swift Version: 5.9.2/6.0.3
- Platform: macOS 14+
- Package Manager: Swift Package Manager (SPM)
Key Dependencies¶
- SwiftyBeaver: v2.1.1 (logging)
- CryptoSwift: v1.8.4 (crypto operations)
Core Components¶
Security Infrastructure¶
- SecurityTypes Module: Core security types and protocols
- CryptoTypes Module: Cryptographic operations and types
- UmbraMocks Module: Mock implementations for testing
Implementation Details¶
- Encryption: AES-256-GCM with combined auth mode
- Key Derivation: PBKDF2 with SHA-256 (10,000 iterations)
- IV Length: 12 bytes (GCM requirement)
- Salt Length: 32 bytes
- HMAC: SHA-256 based
XPC Integration (In Progress)¶
- Core XPC infrastructure
- CryptoService XPC implementation
- SecurityService XPC implementation
Build Instructions¶
swift build
swift test
This structure snapshot was created on 2025-02-17 before implementing XPC services. Keep this file for reference in case rollback is needed.