UmbraCore Module Structure¶
This document outlines the modular architecture of UmbraCore, explaining how the various modules interact and depend on each other.
Core Module Organisation¶
UmbraCore follows a layered architecture with clearly defined responsibilities:
Foundation-Free Core Layer¶
These modules have no dependencies on Foundation or other Apple frameworks, making them portable and easier to test:
- UmbraCoreTypes: Core type definitions used throughout the system
- SecurityProtocolsCore: Security protocol definitions without Foundation dependencies
- XPCProtocolsCore: XPC communication protocols without Foundation dependencies
- SecureBytes: Foundation-free binary data handling
Bridge Layer¶
These modules bridge between Foundation-free and Foundation-dependent code:
- SecurityBridge: Adapts between Foundation-free security protocols and Foundation types
- XPCBridge: Provides Foundation-compatible XPC service implementations
Implementation Layer¶
These modules provide concrete implementations of the protocols:
- SecurityImplementation: Implements security protocols using CryptoKit
- UmbraSecurity: High-level security services
- UmbraXPC: XPC service implementations
Application Services¶
These modules provide application-specific functionality:
- UmbraKeychainService: Keychain access and management
- ResticCLIHelper: Interface to the Restic command-line tool
- RepositoryManager: Repository configuration and management
- BackupCoordinator: Coordinates backup operations
- Configuration: Application and service configuration
Dependency Graph¶
Application Services
Implementation Layer
Bridge Layer
Foundation-Free Core
Module Import Guidelines¶
When importing modules, follow these guidelines:
- Always import the most specific module required
- Avoid importing both a module and its submodules
- Use explicit imports instead of
@_exported import
- Be consistent with import ordering
- Keep Foundation imports separate from project module imports
Circular Dependency Prevention¶
The layered architecture is designed to prevent circular dependencies:
- Foundation-free modules must not import Foundation-dependent modules
- Lower-layer modules must not import higher-layer modules
- Use protocol-based design to maintain separation of concerns