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UmbraCore Modules

UmbraCore is organised into a set of specialised modules that work together to provide a comprehensive backup solution for macOS applications. Each module has a specific responsibility within the framework.

Core Modules

Module Description
UmbraCore The main integration module providing core functionality
XPCProtocolsCore Foundation-free XPC protocol definitions
SecurityProtocolsCore Foundation-free security interfaces

Security Modules

Module Description
SecurityTypes Core security primitives and types
UmbraCryptoService Cryptographic operations implementation
UmbraKeychainService Secure credential storage

Infrastructure Modules

Module Description
UmbraXPC Cross-process communication infrastructure
ErrorTypes Error handling architecture
Configuration Settings and preferences management

Repository and Backup Modules

Module Description
RepositoryManager Repository lifecycle management
BackupCoordinator Backup orchestration
ResticCLIHelper Type-safe Restic command execution

Module Integration

These modules are designed to work together seamlessly whilst maintaining clear boundaries and separation of concerns. The modular architecture allows for flexible integration into different types of applications.