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ResticCLIHelper Module

The ResticCLIHelper module provides type-safe Restic command execution capabilities for the UmbraCore framework.


ResticCLIHelper encapsulates the interaction with the Restic command-line tool, providing a type-safe and structured API for executing Restic commands. This module handles command building, parameter validation, and execution in a secure environment.


  • Type-safe Restic command building
  • Secure parameter validation
  • Structured output parsing
  • Error handling and logging
  • Sandboxed execution support


import ResticCLIHelper

// Create a helper instance
let resticHelper = ResticCLIHelper()

// Configure a repository
let repoConfig = ResticRepositoryConfiguration(
    path: "/Volumes/Backup/main-repository",
    password: securePasswordReference,
    extraEnvironment: ["RESTIC_CACHE_DIR": "/tmp/restic-cache"]

// Initialise a repository
try await resticHelper.initialise(repository: repoConfig)

// Create a backup
try await resticHelper.backup(
    repository: repoConfig,
    sourcePaths: ["/Users/username/Documents"],
    excludePaths: ["/Users/username/Documents/temp"],
    tags: ["documents", "important"]

// List snapshots
let snapshots = try await resticHelper.listSnapshots(
    repository: repoConfig,
    tag: "documents"


ResticCLIHelper integrates with:

  • UmbraXPC for executing commands in a privileged context
  • SecurityTypes for secure credential handling
  • RepositoryManager for repository lifecycle operations
  • BackupCoordinator for orchestrating backup operations

Security Considerations

  • Never exposes raw passwords in command-line arguments
  • Validates all parameters before execution
  • Uses secure environment variables for credentials
  • Sanitises command output for logging

Source Code

The source code for this module is located in the Sources/ResticCLIHelper directory of the UmbraCore repository.