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UmbraKeychainService Module

The UmbraKeychainService module provides secure credential storage and management using macOS Keychain for the UmbraCore framework.


UmbraKeychainService encapsulates secure credential management functionality, allowing the application to store and retrieve sensitive information such as repository passwords and encryption keys securely using the macOS Keychain.


  • Secure password storage and retrieval
  • Encryption key management
  • Access control for credential access
  • Secure credential sharing with XPC service
  • Automatic credential lifecycle management


import UmbraKeychainService

// Store a repository password
let keychainService = UmbraKeychainService()
try await keychainService.storePassword(
    forRepository: repositoryID,
    accessGroup: "com.example.myapp.shared"

// Retrieve a repository password
let password = try await keychainService.retrievePassword(
    forRepository: repositoryID,
    accessGroup: "com.example.myapp.shared"


UmbraKeychainService integrates with:

  • SecurityTypes for secure credential types
  • SecurityProtocolsCore for security interfaces
  • UmbraCore for application integration
  • UmbraXPC for secure credential passing to XPC service

Security Considerations

  • Passwords are never stored in plain text
  • Credentials are accessible only to authorised processes
  • Access control lists limit which processes can access credentials
  • Automatic cleanup of orphaned credentials

Source Code

The source code for this module is located in the Sources/UmbraKeychainService directory of the UmbraCore repository.