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XPCProtocolsCore Module

The XPCProtocolsCore module defines the foundation-free protocols used for XPC communication between the sandboxed application and XPC service.


XPCProtocolsCore provides a consistent set of protocols and interfaces for secure cross-process communication, enabling sandboxed applications to perform privileged operations without compromising security. This module is designed to work without Foundation dependencies, making it lightweight and suitable for use in security-critical contexts.


  • Foundation-free protocol definitions
  • Standardised error handling
  • Type-safe message passing
  • Secure parameter validation


import XPCProtocolsCore

// Define a service conforming to XPC protocols
class MyXPCService: XPCServiceProtocol {
    func performOperation(
        parameters: OperationParameters, 
        withReply reply: @escaping (Result<OperationResult, XPCSecurityError>) -> Void
    ) {
        // Implementation


XPCProtocolsCore is primarily integrated with:

  • UmbraXPC for XPC service implementation
  • SecurityProtocolsCore for security protocols
  • UmbraCore for main application integration

Source Code

The source code for this module is located in the Sources/XPCProtocolsCore directory of the UmbraCore repository.